What is Imunify360?

What is Imunify360?

Imunify360 is an all-in-one tool designed to replace website malware scanners and antivirus programs on a server, protecting you from hackers stealing data or infecting visitors with viruses.

To recover your files, you will first need to clear out your IP-address from a gray list on a reCAPTCHA page and verify that you are not an automated robot (by entering a captcha code). After doing this, click on ‘Restore’ icon.

Web Application Firewall

Security should always be at the forefront for website owners. Hackers could compromise your site to steal customer data or distribute malware – an attack which could cause irreparable harm and result in lost sales over time.

Imunify360 provides a comprehensive security architecture designed to safeguard your server against various web attacks, such as brute force attacks, malware uploads and code injection. In addition, Imunify360 scans log files to detect suspicious activity; once detected it can automatically block offfenders’ IP addresses. This feature can be especially beneficial for shared hosting servers or websites using content management systems.

The central dashboard enables users to quickly assess and secure their server by monitoring its overall health, managing all aspects of its security quickly, filtering events based on various criteria, studying incident details, whitelist and blacklist management options, settings reports etc.. All in one easily customisable and fully customisable dashboard!

Imunify360’s advanced firewall uses cloud heuristics and artificial intelligence to quickly identify new threats. It is designed to defend against most common attacks such as SQL injection. SQL injection attacks involve exploiting compromised websites to steal or delete information from databases on your server using exploited SQL statements; such attacks cannot easily be detected using traditional tools.

Imunify 360’s defense system is tailored to prevent SQL injection attacks by automatically configuring ModSecurity rules based on the CMS of a website being protected, and with reduced false positive rates as a result of customizing them according to CMS specifications. Furthermore, Imunify offers a minimalized version of its ruleset which is suitable for low resource systems.

Imunify 360 provides another key component: reputation management. This feature of the system monitors your website’s status on Real-time Blackhole Lists (RBLs), helping prevent hackers from exploiting it to distribute malware. If found guilty, Google search results or email providers could ban or even block it – Imunify 360’s reputation management feature scans your site regularly to detect such listings.

Intrusion Detection System

Imunify360’s firewall component recognizes and blocks attacks or any suspicious behaviors instantly, protecting servers against attacks before they even reach their servers. By combining Cloud Heuristics and AI technologies, Imunify360 provides your servers with herd immunity by sharing threat information across its network of servers. In addition to this protection against brute force attacks by detecting and blocking them as soon as they occur without waiting until they reach a threshold and cause damage, Imunify360 provides protection from various types of brute force attacks as they arises.

Imunify360 also monitors your website’s reputation by monitoring any blacklists for inclusion, notifying you when this occurs and offering options to block access from certain countries for added protection.

Imunify360 provides your website with advanced web application firewall protection against various attack methods via an advanced web application firewall (WAF), tightly integrated with ModSecurity and with low false-positive ruleset to block most attacks before they even begin. In addition, Imunify360 includes a Malware Scanner which monitors files real-time for threats and cleans them automatically from malware infection.

If a file is identified by our program as infected, it will appear with a red background and you can click it for additional details. When clicked upon, this file will display its path along with details regarding any detected issues as well as possible solutions on its right-hand side of this page. You also have several other options to perform from this side such as:

Under the Files tab, you can manage all aspects of virus detections. From here, you can access files for viewing their content or quarantining or deletion; add them to an ignore list to protect future detections; or view their content and move or delete them permanently.

By clicking the ‘Restore’ icon, you can restore an infected file that has been cleaned or moved into quarantine. A window will open asking you if you would like to restore the file; once confirmed, it will be returned back into its original state. However, please keep in mind that this option must be utilized within 14 days from when it was first cleaned/moved into quarantine as otherwise it will be permanently deleted from your system.

Imunify360 Malware Detection

Malware detection is a vital element of website security solutions, preventing hackers from infiltrating your site with malware that steals personal information or prompts visitors to click phishing links. Malware detection systems should also check against blacklists to notify you if your domain name has been listed as dangerous; hackers are always looking for new ways to enter and disrupt business. It is therefore essential that businesses implement effective malware detection systems as hackers continually look for opportunities to infiltrate websites and cause harm.

Once Imunify360 detects a potential malicious file, it will instantly and automatically clean and convert it to harmless code using our proprietary and patented process integrated into our cloud-based solution. This ensures that malicious code will remain off of your server without ever reappearing again.

You can view all detected files in the Files tab of the dashboard. Each detected file has its own row, providing details on its status and action taken; clicking any row will take you directly to that file’s path and contents for viewing. In addition, its Status column shows whether an identified file is currently malicious, new detections, or clean and safe to be deleted/cleansed out.

If a file has been identified as infected, two options exist to manage its future: “Send for analysis” or “Add to ignore list”. By choosing the former option, your file will be submitted for further examination on our servers; adding it to an ignore list allows you to exclude it from future scans and prevent its deletion; additionally if added within 14 days after its original detection and deletion by IMMunify 360 you may restore its files from either option.

Clicking the gear icon enables you to easily manage the settings for new detections, whether that means logging all events only or automatically cleaning and turning harmful files into harmless code. After making your selections, simply click “Save changes” for them to take effect and protect your website against future threats and protect its reputation. Imunify360 provides various features which make managing server and website security from threats such as phishing attacks, malware infections, spam email campaigns and hacking attempts easier – helping keep your business secure as it grows.

Reputation Management

Reputation Management helps safeguard your website against attacks that could tarnish its image, turn customers away and reduce traffic. When threats are detected, Imunify360 sends out alerts warning customers and visitors not to visit, while simultaneously blocking an attacker’s IP address from accessing your server. Furthermore, Imunify360 monitors your site reputation by notifying you if Google flags it for malware distribution, Phishtank or an RBL list has blocked it as well as monitoring any reputational problems such as being blocked from Google (if Google flagged it), Phishtank or an RBL list is blocking it preventing attackers from accessing it in real-time!

Imunify360 offers automated security that combines herd immunity with machine learning technology for superior protection against emerging threats. Its six-layer approach includes a self-learning firewall, malware scanning, reputation management and kernel care in addition to an easy-to-use centralized dashboard for seamless monitoring.

Anti-malware scanning technology from CyberWit uses file analysis and behavioral pattern recognition to detect and remove any potential infections, while real-time server scanning prevents attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities on your server. URL scanners detect malicious websites linking back to your pages preventing phishing/spoofing attacks as well as an integrity checking feature which ensures your web application remains free from vulnerabilities and modifications by hackers.

Imunify360 can be easily accessed through your cPanel dashboard, by simply logging in and clicking the Imunify 360 link from the SECURITY tab. Once there, its dashboard will display your Proactive Defense status, scan history of servers as well as compromised files that need viewing or quarantining or deletion (highly recommended!). Lastly it allows you to choose whether to ignore certain files (which is highly advised!).

Through this interface, you can also configure White List and Black List settings. White Listing allows for always accepting IPs while Black Listing blocks them automatically. Furthermore, this dashboard shows your recent alerts as if an attack has been discovered it will be highlighted with red circles at its time and date of discovery.


In conclusion, we understand the critical importance of safeguarding your website from online threats. At 92 Web Hosting, we prioritize your website’s security above all else. That’s why we are proud to offer Imunify360 protection for all our hosting plans. Imunify360 is a state-of-the-art security solution that provides comprehensive defense against a wide range of cyber threats, ensuring your website stays secure and operational at all times. With our commitment to excellent service and advanced security features, you can trust 92 Web Hosting to provide you with a reliable hosting experience. Focus on your online ventures with confidence, knowing that your website is protected by the best in the industry.


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